Currumbin Rock Pools

Today, I went to the Rock Pools with one of our school’s sports clubs. It was $10.00 and it pretty much went to the transportation costs. Therefore, if you want to take cheap trips be alert for short trips that your school might do. It was not too bad and it was only for a couple of hours. At first, it was a bit of a disappointment because I had fairly high expectations of the rock pools from doing a quick Google search earlier. There were glorious flowing waterfalls and a whole lot more water in the Rock pools that I saw online.

As soon as we got off the bus, we saw some people feeding this fairly large eel pool3and a cute little turtle right in the water. Everyone seemed to not want to be in close proximity with that eel and especially since that water was murky you really wouldn’t be able to see anything coming up near you! Therefore, not many people wanted to jump right into the rock pools. It was also an overcast day and a little drizzly. The person in charge literally told us to be back at the bus at 12:00 which was fine, but still there was very little direction of where we were supposed to go.

waterfallWe thought that we needed to hike somewhere, but I guess that we were there. We started walking on this private property to try to find the magnificent water pools that we all had imagined that would be there. Unfortunately, we didn’t get too far. There was no way to continue walking unless we wanted to get into the water and continue walking. (We were walking along the rocks of the stream/river bank to avoid getting our shoes wet).

When we reached the end, we decided to return and look into going back into the pools that where we saw the eel and the turtle. My friend, Connie was trying to get in and there were only two people in the water at that time. She was trying to walk in slowly, but instead she just completely fell in. The rocks were quite slippery with this nice slimy green moss. Once she was in though she said it felt great. I will admit it was nice and I was about to go in before we got called out, but the water was so cold. The trick is just getting your face wet I suppose.

Since, majority of the 30 people were not having a good time we were going to go to the beach instead. However, we waited like 10 minutes on the bus to learn that we were missing 7 people so we were unable to leave, which was okay in my opinion. At first, I was excited to leave and go to a different place, but then we learned it was the same place that my friends and I have been to already. It’s really nice, but with our nifty bikes we can always enjoy that trip for free, since it is so close! 🙂

Photo Credit: Vivian on her brand new GoPro

Well once we learned that we were not going to be leaving, I went ahead and inched my way into the pool. There was this sign that warned people that it was hazardous to jump off the rocks. We did it anyways. I was not the first, but  a couple people had scoped out the bottom of the area and it seemed pretty safe. There were no large rocks protruding so I went ahead and did it. I’m not gonna lie, I had my friend jump in before me to test out the water and I just tried to jump in that same spot. There were only about 7 of us in the water swimming around. It was still a little drizzly and the water was fairly chilly still. However, about 45 mins before we were about to leave the sun came out and it was really nice. The water was also suspiciously warm in a few of the spots while swimming across to get to the rocks. Once the sun came out so did a few of the other people. We also sat underneath a very small waterfall and got some cute pictures. It was very pretty and kinda like a cold hot tub with really strong Jacuzzi jets.


A couple of the courageous folks tried jumping off of a rope swing. I was not gonna risk it. It looked way too dodgy and unsafe. One person tried it and said that it wasn’t even that fun. I was fine with being a chicken. I stayed at the lower ledge and jumped off of that and had a good bit of fun. I used a friend’s Go Pro to record the action! It was great. I still need to get that footage from her.

It was a nice little treat to sit under the mini waterfall.

Anyways, lessons learned — try NOT to hold too high of expectations to avoid disappointment. I enjoyed myself once I went out and ‘gave it a go,’…Apparently though if we had gone 20 km up the road we could have ventured to the real beautiful rock pools where there was a big waterfall and everything, but that trip will just be for another time hopefully! 🙂